Presiden Putin Khusyuk Jalani Ibadah Natal Ortodoks

Presiden Putin Khusyuk Jalani Ibadah Natal Ortodoks

Rusia – Presiden Putin menghadiri Kebaktian Natal di Gereja Saint George. Selama lebih setengah jam, Presiden bersama umat lainnya mengikuti rangkaian Natal Ortodoks.

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin menghadiri Kebaktian Natal di Gereja Saint George di Moskow, Senin (6/1/2025).  

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin mengucapkan selamat Natal kepada umat Kristiani Ortodoks dan seluruh warga Rusia yang merayakan, sambil menyoroti peran Gereja Ortodoks Rusia dalam memperkuat fondasi spiritual dan moral masyarakat.

Selama lebih dari setengah jam, Presiden bersama umat lainnya mengikuti Liturgi Ilahi malam hari, setelah itu ia berbincang singkat dengan Imam Kepala Katedral, Nikolai Bryndin.  

Umat Ortodoks di Rusia dan negara lain merayakan Natal pada hari Selasa, 7 Januari. Pada Senin malam, Patriark Kirill dari Moskow dan seluruh Rusia memulai kebaktian Natal di Katedral Kristus Sang Juru Selamat di Moskow

Indonesia masih banyak korupsi?

Kenapa sih Indonesia masih banyak korupsi? Sebenernya, ini tuh bukan cuma masalah orangnya yang pengen korupsi, tapi emang sistem kita yang bikin celah buat itu kejadian. Banyak banget loophole yang bikin orang gampang banget ambil keuntungan, apalagi pas udah nerima anggaran. Transparansi? Hah, nggak usah ngomong deh, kurang banget.

Kalo kita bahas administrasi pemerintahan, politik berbiaya tinggi, sampe duit “thank you” buat rekrutmen PNS aja udah ribet. Semua itu bikin korupsi jadi kayak sesuatu yang “wajar.” Nanti gue bakal compare nih sama Singapura, kenapa mereka bisa punya indeks korupsi yang super rendah. Apa yang mereka lakuin beda banget dibanding kita. Fun fact: Singapura itu udah kayak nation of laws, sementara Indonesia? Nation of lawyers.

Gue inget banget, Gita Wirjawan pernah bilang, di Singapura, kalau lu ngelakuin kejahatan, hukumnya ketat banget. Kayak no mercy gitu. Tapi di sini? Hukumnya ada, iya, tapi kalau lu punya lawyer top tier, hukum itu bisa kayak nggak berlaku. Jadi sering kan kejadian orang korupsi atau pelanggaran kriminal lainnya malah dapat hukuman yang ringan.

Padahal ya, coba deh bayangin kalau duit yang dipake buat korupsi itu dialihin ke pemberdayaan masyarakat, edukasi, infrastruktur, atau hal-hal yang bener-bener penting buat kemajuan negara. Honestly, Indonesia tuh sebenernya bisa banget lebih maju dari sekarang. Kalau aja sistem kita dibenerin, kita mungkin udah jauh lebih oke dibanding dulu.

Presiden Prabowo Luncurkan Program Cek Kesehatan Gratis untuk Semua Usia

Presiden Prabowo Luncurkan Program Cek Kesehatan Gratis untuk Semua Usia

Sumber foto : Tempo

Program cek kesehatan gratis bagi masyarakat menjadi salah satu terobosan penting dari pemerintahan Presiden Prabowo Subianto pada tahun 2025.

Program ini diluncurkan untuk memberikan akses pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis kepada warga yang berulang tahun, dengan fokus pada deteksi dini dan pencegahan penyakit.

Pada 3 Januari 2025, Presiden Prabowo Subianto resmi mengumumkan program cek kesehatan gratis yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia.

Program ini dirancang dengan alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp 3,2 triliun dari APBN 2025. Berdasarkan unggahan resmi dari akun Instagram @gerindra, pemeriksaan kesehatan ini dapat diakses di puskesmas hanya dengan membawa Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP).

“Program dari pemerintahan Presiden Prabowo dengan anggaran APBN 2025 mencapai Rp 3,2 triliun,” tulis akun tersebut.

Program ini terbuka untuk semua kelompok usia, mulai dari balita hingga lansia. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan meliputi deteksi penyakit bawaan pada balita, skrining penyakit kronis pada remaja dan dewasa, hingga pemeriksaan penyakit kardiovaskular pada lansia.

Sebelumnya, pada 25 September 2024, Kepala Kantor Komunikasi Kepresidenan Hasan Nasbi menjelaskan melalui kanal YouTube BPJS Kesehatan bahwa program ini bertujuan mencegah penyakit serius melalui deteksi dini.

“Ini untuk supaya aspek kuratif tidak terlalu jadi beban. Kalau TBC naik lagi kan, akan jadi problem,” ujar Hasan.

Skrining kesehatan akan dilakukan rutin setahun sekali atau dua kali, tergantung kelompok usia.

Pemeriksaan meliputi cek gula darah, tensi, kolesterol, dan deteksi penyakit katastropik seperti kanker dan TBC. Fokus awal program adalah masyarakat di atas 50 tahun yang rentan terhadap penyakit tersebut.

Selanjutnya, pada 12 November 2024,  Menteri Kesehatan Budi Gunadi Sadikin memberikan klarifikasi terkait teknis program.

Dalam wawancara di Kantor Kementerian Kesehatan, ia menekankan bahwa pemeriksaan ini berbasis skrining di puskesmas, bukan seperti medical check-up di rumah sakit yang berbiaya mahal.

“Ini bukan medical check-up rumah sakit ya, (tapi) skrining di puskesmas,” kata Budi.

Skrining ini meliputi deteksi penyakit primer sesuai kelompok umur, seperti kanker pada dewasa, congenital hypothyroid pada bayi, dan penyakit kardiovaskular pada lansia.

Demi mendukung program ini, Kementerian Kesehatan sedang melengkapi 10.000 puskesmas dengan alat laboratorium darah.

Sumber :…-tahun-1189323

Kemudian pada 3 Januari 2025, Dedek Prayudi, Juru Bicara Kantor Komunikasi Kepresidenan, menjelaskan bahwa program ini ditargetkan menjangkau 60 juta warga pada tahun pertama pelaksanaannya. Dalam lima tahun mendatang, targetnya adalah 200 juta orang.

“Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis merupakan Program Hasil Terbaik Cepat (PHTC) Presiden Prabowo Subianto di tahun 2025,” ujar Dedek.

Pemeriksaan ini sejalan dengan amanat Pasal 28H UUD 1945 yang menjamin hak masyarakat atas layanan kesehatan. Pelaksanaannya akan dimulai pada Februari 2025.

Sumber :…arga-pada-2025

Selanjutnya, Menkes Budi Gunadi Sadikin kembali berbicara tentang program pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis pada 6 Januari 2025.

Dalam wawancara di Auditorium Herman Susilo, Kementerian Kesehatan, Menkes Budi menyebutkan bahwa program ini berkontribusi pada visi Generasi Emas 2045.

“Skrining kesehatan membantu mendeteksi dini masalah kesehatan seperti malnutrisi, anemia, gangguan pendengaran, dan penglihatan. Deteksi dini memungkinkan intervensi lebih cepat,” ujar Budi.

Sumber :…ia-24FWoEBPqIZ

Warga yang berulang tahun cukup datang ke puskesmas, menunjukkan KTP, dan mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesehatan lengkap secara gratis.

Pemerintah berharap program ini dapat mendorong masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan lebih baik dan mengurangi angka kematian akibat penyakit kronis.

Dengan langkah strategis ini, Presiden Prabowo menunjukkan bahwa kesehatan masyarakat adalah prioritas utama.

Program cek kesehatan gratis tidak hanya menjadi hadiah ulang tahun, tetapi juga wujud nyata komitmen pemerintah terhadap kesejahteraan rakyatnya.

Trump Ancam Rebut Kanal Panama & Greenland, Secara Militer Kalau Perlu

Trump threatens land grabs of Panama Canal, Greenland, even by force. Can he?: ANALYSIS
ABC News
6–8 minutes

As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to assume later this month, he is ramping up his threats to take over a critical shipping artery and a strategic foreign land — suggesting he could even use military force to do so.

“I’m not going to commit to that,” Trump said on Tuesday when asked if he would rule out using the U.S. military to gain control of the Panama Canal and Greenland during a news conference at Mar-a-Lago.

“It might be that you’ll have to do something. Look, the Panama Canal is vital to our country,” he continued, also saying, “we need Greenland for national security purposes.” He added, “We need them for economic security. The Panama Canal was built for our military.”

Trump also slammed former President Jimmy Carter for overseeing diplomatic negotiations to turn over the Panama Canal, which the U.S. finished constructing in 1914 and controlled until Jimmy Carter ceded authority in 1977 with the Panama Canal Treaty.

“The Panama Canal is a disgrace. What took place at the Panama Canal? Jimmy Carter gave it to them for $1, and they were supposed to treat us well. I thought it was a terrible thing to do,” Trump said.

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at Mar-a-Lago, Jan. 7, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla.

Evan Vucci/AP

Despite Trump’s focus on expanding American territory, his strategy for achieving his objectives remains hazy — and many of the claims the president-elect provided to rationalize the takeovers range from arguable to dubious, experts say.

They broadly agree that Greenland holds an important strategic location and is rich in lithium, graphite and other minerals. However, the world’s largest island is already host to a U.S. military base and a longstanding treaty gives Washington significant control over Greenland’s defense. Greenland and Denmark are also NATO allies.

In this June 15, 2019, file photo, small pieces of ice float in the water in Nuuk Fjord, Greenland.

Keith Virgo/AP, FILE

“People really don’t even know if Denmark has any legal right to it. But if they do, they should give it up because we need it for national security. That’s for the free world. I’m talking about protecting the free world,” Trump said.

On Panama, Trump has repeatedly claimed that the canal is “run by China,” and that U.S. ships are charged more than vessels operated by other countries to cross through it.

“They don’t treat us fairly. They charge more for our ships than they charge for ships of other countries. They charge more for our Navy than they charge for navies of other countries,” he complained. “They laugh at us because they think we’re stupid, but we’re not stupid anymore.”

Looking north from the lighthouse on the west wall is the Gatun middle locks of the Panama Canal in the final stages of construction on June 25, 1913.


In reality, the Panama Canal Authority (PCA) — which is controlled by the Panamanian government — operates the waterway, and 1977 diplomatic treaty with the U.S. mandates that all countries must be allowed to use it for “peaceful transit” and that there be “no discrimination against any nation, or its citizens or subjects, concerning the conditions or charges.”

Accordingly, the tariffs and tolls associated with crossing the canal are determined by the size and type of the vessel and the cargo it carries — not the flag the ship sails under. While the costs associated with using the waterway have risen in recent years, limits imposed on the canal’s capacity due to a historic drought are behind the price hike.

A cargo ship traverses the Agua Clara Locks of the Panama Canal in Colon, Panama, Sept. 2, 2024.

Matias Delacroix/AP, FILE

China’s expanding influence in Panama and across Central America more broadly has sparked concern on both sides of the aisle, but the same 1977 treaty authorizes the U.S. to intervene if the canal’s neutrality is jeopardized.

Authorizing a military intervention with the intent of taking over the Panama Canal — or Greenland — is another matter.

Authorities of Panama and Greenland have repeatedly said they won’t hand over any territory to Trump, with Panama’s president declaring that the canal “is going to stay in our hands forever,” and Denmark’s prime minister insisting “Greenland is not for sale.”

The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the sole ability to declare war on a foreign power, and — once the war is declared — gives the president wide-ranging authority to execute the conflict.

But presidents have often used military force without congressional approval, including against Panama.

In December 1989, former President George H.W. Bush launched an invasion of Panama to overthrow the country’s de facto ruler, Gen. Manuel Noriega. The intervention, which was widely supported by the American public at the time, set Panama on a path toward democracy — but was condemned by the United Nations as a violation of international law.

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at Mar-a-Lago, Jan. 7, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla.

Evan Vucci/AP

Trump has also said he could use economic pressure to force countries to capitulate to his agenda, including Canada, which the president-elect has repeatedly said should become the 51st state.

“Because Canada and the United States, that would really be something. You get rid of that artificially drawn line, and you take a look at what that looks like, and it would also be much better for national security,” Trump said.

Canada’s outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to Trump’s statements in a post on X, writing “there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Canada would become part of the United States.”

“Workers and communities in both our countries benefit from being each other’s biggest trading and security partner,” he said.

Congress has delegated much of its foreign economic authority to the White House, but the biggest speed bump impeding Trump’s ability to impose tariffs on Canada may be a trade deal negotiated under Trump himself: the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

The USMCA — which is not due for review until 2026 — allows any member to withdraw from it but requires that the exiting country wait six months before rescinding benefits to other parties.

The president-elect’s clearest path to fulfilling one of his promises to redraw the world map may be renaming the Gulf of Mexico, which he vowed to change to “Gulf of America.”

“What a beautiful name,” he said. “And it’s appropriate.”…y?id=117428826

yay, we are back to 18th centuryemoticon-Ultah

Apa Itu Rebate Forex ? Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya ? Bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?

Apa Itu Rebate Forex ? Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya ? Bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?



langsung ke TKP >>>> ONOREBATE

Adik Bos OpenAI Menuduh Bos OpenAI Melakukan Kekerasan Seksual Terhadapnya

Sam Altman’s sister files sexual abuse lawsuit against him — his family says it’s ‘utterly untrue’
2–3 minutes

Ann Altman has filed a lawsuit against her brother, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, alleging that he sexually abused her throughout childhood over a period of nearly a decade.

The rest of the Altman family immediately pushed back on the lawsuit, saying the allegations are “utterly untrue” and stem from “mental health challenges” that Ann has faced for years.

“Annie has made deeply hurtful and entirely untrue claims about our family, and especially Sam,” writes Sam, his mother, and his two brothers, in a statement that Sam released on X.

Ann’s lawsuit alleges that Sam abused her from 1997 through 2006, beginning when Ann was three and Sam was 12 and continuing until Sam was a legal adult. The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Missouri, says that Ann suffered “severe emotional distress” and has been unable to live a “normal life” as a result of Sam’s alleged abuse.

An attorney for Ann described the Altman family’s statement as an attempt to “divert attention away from the harm that they caused.” The attorney, Ryan J. Mahoney, said that sexual abuse can cause “mental health outcomes such as, persistent PTSD, depression, and anxiety.” He also said of Ann specifically that there is “no evidence that her own mental health has contributed to her allegations.”

The Altman family’s statement alleges that Ann has made conspiratorial claims over the years about various family members while demanding money from them. The family members say they have offered financial support and asked her to receive medical help but that she “refuses conventional treatment.”

“This situation causes immense pain to our entire family,” the family statement says. The family says they have “chosen not to respond publicly” when Ann has made similar claims in the past, but that they “feel we have no choice but to address this” now that she has filed a lawsuit.…uit-ann-sister

waktu tanya chatgpt soal kasus ini, ini jawabannyaemoticon-Ngakak

Adik Bos OpenAI Menuduh Bos OpenAI Melakukan Kekerasan Seksual Terhadapnya

Toko-toko serba ada di Jepang berperan sebagai tempat perlindungan lokal

Toko-toko serba ada di Jepang berperan sebagai tempat perlindungan lokal
Image by Mainichi News

Toko-toko swalayan di Jepang mengambil alih tugas-tugas yang sebelumnya ditangani oleh pos-pos polisi setempat yang jumlahnya semakin sedikit, dengan menerapkan langkah-langkah untuk menanggapi keadaan darurat termasuk yang melibatkan wanita dan anak-anak. Dalam beberapa kasus, karyawan dipaksa untuk membuat keputusan hidup atau mati.

Memanfaatkan jam operasional sebagian besar toko serba ada selama 24/7, konsorsium Asosiasi Waralaba Jepang (JFA) yang terdiri dari tujuh operator jaringan toko meluncurkan kampanye “stasiun keselamatan” pada tahun 1990-an. Awalnya merupakan upaya regional, kampanye ini menjadi nasional pada tahun 2005 setelah Badan Kepolisian Nasional (NPA) meminta kerja sama, melihat potensi toko-toko tersebut untuk secara efektif memperkuat keselamatan masyarakat.

Kegiatan utamanya meliputi penanganan perempuan dan anak-anak yang sedang mengalami krisis, penanganan lansia yang diduga menderita demensia, dan pencegahan kejahatan remaja, dengan total sekitar 10 kategori.

Penyebabnya adalah karena menurunnya jumlah kantor polisi dan pos polisi setempat atau “koban” di seluruh negeri. Jumlah koban telah menurun dari 6.455 pada tahun 2005 menjadi 6.215 pada tahun 2024, sementara jumlah kantor polisi, tempat tinggal petugas, telah menurun dari 7.333 pada tahun 2005 menjadi 5.923 pada tahun 2024. Pada saat yang sama, jumlah toko serba ada telah meningkat dari 42.643 toko pada tahun 2005 menjadi 57.019 pada tahun 2023.

Selengkapnya di Mainichi

[Mini Series] American Primeval | Complete | Netflix

[Mini Series] American Primeval | Complete | Netflix

American Primeval is a American Western television miniseries created by Mark L. Smith that is scheduled to be released on January 9, 2025 on Netflix.


Taylor Kitsch as Isaac
Betty Gilpin as Sara Rowell
Kim Coates as Brigham Young
Jai Courtney as Virgil Cutter
Shea Whigham as Jim Bridger
Dane DeHaan as Jacob Pratt
Saura Lightfoot-Leon as Abish Pratt
Kyle Bradley Davis as Tilly
Preston Mota as Devin Rowell
Nick Hargrove as Cottrell
Derek Hinkey as Red Feather
Mikandrew as Henry
Shawnee Pourier as Two Moons
Joe Tippett as James Wolsey
Kevin Scott Allen as Louis

