Tiongkok Luncurkan CR450, Kereta Api Peluru Tercepat Dunia, 450km/jam

China’s high-speed rail enthusiasts glimpse the future as 450km/h tra…
~2 minutes

Tiongkok Luncurkan CR450, Kereta Api Peluru Tercepat Dunia, 450km/jam

China’s next innovation in high-speed rail the CR450, tipped to be the world’s fastest commercial train when it starts operations next year, was captured by enthusiasts in a series of videos as it made its way from Tianjin to Beijing on Wednesday.

It was the second glimpse of the CR450 – designed with a trial speed of 450km/h (280mph) and a commercial operating speed of 400km/h (249mph) – after a test video briefly surfaced online in November before it was taken down.

The train resembles an arrow when viewed from the side. Its sleek, bullet-shaped nose has slightly angular contours, while the cockpit features trapezoidal side windows and decorative breathing lights.

Last month’s apparently leaked test video featured a train marked CR450AF-0001, while the latest images show an eight-car CR450 with its serial number covered by white tape.

The body is unpainted but the Fuxing branding of China’s bullet trains is visible, highlighting that the new train builds upon the foundation of the CR400, which debuted in 2017.

Today, China’s high-speed rail system is the world’s largest network in operation, covering more than 45,000km (28,000 miles).

The China State Railway Group announced in September that the CR450 train had entered its full assembly phase, with prototype units expected to roll out before the end of the year.


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Sobat Gamers, Udah Nonton 8 Adaptasi Game Terbaik 2024 Ini?


Sobat Gamers, Udah Nonton 8 Adaptasi Game Terbaik 2024 Ini?
emoticon-terimakasihemoticon-terimakasih emoticon-terimakasih
Halo agan dan sista,
Siapa nih yang doyan main game sekaligus nonton film atau serial? Pas banget, nih! Tahun 2024 jadi salah satu tahun emas buat adaptasi game ke layar lebar maupun serial. Nah, daripada bingung cari tontonan pas liburan atau waktu luang, ane udah rangkum 8 film dan serial keren yang berbahan dasar game. Dan kabar baiknya, semuanya udah tayang! Jadi, tinggal siapin cemilan, rebahan, dan tonton deh. Langsung aja kita cek daftarnya!

1. Arcane: Season 2


2. Sonic Prime: Season 3


3. Halo: The Series Season 2


4. Fallout


5. Borderlands


6. Sonic the Hedgehog 3


7. Ark: The Animated Series


8. Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft

Sobat Gamers, Udah Nonton 8 Adaptasi Game Terbaik 2024 Ini?
Itu dia 8 Film dan Serial Adaptasi Game yang Udah Tayang di 2024! Pas banget buat nemenin waktu santai di rumah. Ada yang animasi, live-action, sampai yang nonton rame-rame di bioskop. Pilih aja sesuai mood, Gan-Sis. Kalau udah nonton, jangan lupa komen dan kasih review di sini ya. Selamat menikmati, dan semoga liburan makin asik!
Thanks and see you next thread GanSist.